PayLoadz is your way of getting your digital files out to the world and it is a very easy program to use. In order to attract potential customers you can set up a sample file for them to review. You do not have to do this, but it is a way to get people to sit up and take notice of what you have to offer. This is one of the many services PayLoadz offers you.
After you have registered with PayLoadz and set your account you should fill out your profile so everyone knows who you are and what type of digital files you are selling. Setting up a sample file is an optional step, and you do not have to do it in order to just jump in and offering your files. But it is something to consider to help your online business.
To set up a sample file you should log into your account and select the ‘Selling’ tab. Click on the ‘Product summary’ area and take a look at the screen. Here is where you will add the product you are offering. It is a good idea to have a product loaded into the PayLoadz system so that you can add a sample file to it. Once you have picked the product you are adding the sample to, select the ‘details’ link. It will open up a page with all the product details listed on it.
In this product details section you will see a category that states ‘Sample file’. The default setting for this is ‘None. Click here to add sample file.’ The word ‘here’ is a clickable link. Select that link to add a sample file to the product you have selected. You will be presented with a few options here and you want to select option #3 ‘use existing file on PayLoadz secure server.’ Check the box for the sample file that you want to set and then click the ‘set sample file’ button at the bottom. Your sample is now set and your customers can download it for review.
If you have not loaded your sample file into the PayLoadz system you will need to do so before setting the file to the corresponding product. You can upload the file by using the ‘manage and upload files’ link in the ‘selling’ tab under your account.
PayLoadz is a unique system for selling your digital files and it offers you plenty of options. Setting up a sample file helps your customers make an informed decision about whether or not they want to purchase what you have. From eBooks to audio files, PayLoadz is ready to help you.