Payloadz Coupons has just gone live for testing. Coupons will be available to purchase by sellers and buyers. These coupons will allow buyers to purchase using the coupon. Coupons can be used as a convenience for buyers and as a promotional tool for sellers.
Coupon amounts will be set by the Seller. When the buyer uses the coupon to make a purchase, the purchase amount is deducted from the coupon amount. The buyer can then see the remaining balance of their coupon.
Users of the coupon can see at a glance what they’ve purchased with the coupon and the value amount still available on their coupon.
To access Coupon Management login to your account and click on the Account tab at the top of the screen. Next Click on Coupon Management. You will then be taken to the management area where you can purchase coupons and view the details of your purchases.