This week, we have Brandon Cardone from here to tell us how he sells downloadable plans for skate and bike ramps.

Tell us briefly about what kind of digital goods you sell.
I sell a 54-page PDF format, Skateboard Ramp Building Guide for Beginner’s titled “The Beginner’s Guide To Building Ramps”.
I also sell 4 variations of skateboard ramp plans that include full color illustrations, measurements, and materials list. The Ramp Plans compliment the beginners guide.
What file and delivery formats do you use?
PDF files compressed into zip files.
How long have you been selling your items?
Since March 2004
How have your sales performance changed since you started selling?
My sales performance has steadily increased every year since I started in 2004.
What tools have helped your increase your sales?
PayLoadz is at the heart of my business; it allows me the freedom to focus on the marketing end of things instead of dealing with my customer’s purchases and product deliveries.
The ability to use both PayPal and Google Checkout for payment gateways seamlessly with PayLoadz has greatly increased my sales.
The use of Google AdWords and paid online advertising in strategic niche areas on the web.
I also utilize the PayLoadz Affiliate builder program to maximize my websites exposure on similar and relevant websites.
I also have my products listed in the PayLoadz Store and eventually plan to utilize the PayLoadz Ebay store.
By far the best tool I have used is good old Search Engine Optimization to increase my organic search rankings with popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.
I use my blog to help add quality content to my website. I also post customers projects to my website photogallery. I offer sample product downloads, free desktop wallpaper, and free skateboard ramp plans to increase interest and traffic to my pages.
What PayLoadz features do you use the most?
I use the sales statistics to keep track of my business progress and accounting. But mostly I use Payloadz for the professional and secure delivery of my electronic goods.
What PayLoadz features helps to increase sales for you?
The integration with PayPal and Google Checkout. I also use custom text that is sent to a customer along with their download links to help up sell and cross promote my products.
What other tools or services have helped you manage your business?
- Google AdWords
- Google Checkout
- Google Analytics
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Google Adsense
- PayPal
- Blogger
- Advanced Web Ranking
What types of marketing do you rely on?
- Organic Search Results
- Google AdWords Pay Per Click
- Yahoo Marketing, formerly Overture
- Paid online advertising with targeted websites
- Blogs
- Word of mouth
- Athlete Sponsorship
- Tshirts
- Stickers
- Affiliate program
- Link Exchanges
Can you provide any advice to sellers just getting started selling digital goods?
Really get to know how your customers are using your website. You can use free services like Google Analytics to gain valuable information about your visitors and it will help you optimize your pages for sales.
Once you are setup properly with payloads to deliver your goods. Focus your energy on getting as many links to your website as possible (but don’t be a spammer!). It’s all a numbers game really, the more doors there are to your website the more visitors and potential customers you will ultimately gain.
Consider using Pay Per Click Advertising to jumpstart your marketing campaign, make friends, network and exchange links, provide excellent customer service, giveaway stuff, offer free information, promote, promote, promote.