We actually spend quite a lot of money and time in marketing the eStore. Listing products in the eStore is still free, but we wanted to find ways where sellers could pay for performance of getting more people to see their product. So we came up with a pay-per-click advertising system that allows them to make their products featured. Currently, Featured Products in the eStore are based on the top selling 1,000 products for the past week. This new system will allow sellers to place their products in this section along side the top selling ones. Products shown in the Featured product section have a very high click through rate compared with other sections of the site.

If you are a seller in PayLoadz, you can start using the Enhanced Listings feature here:
Visit the PayLoadz eStore: http://store.payloadz.com/
Bonus: We will match any deposit a seller makes into their Enhanced Listings account. If you deposit $20, then we will give you credit for $40 worth of Featured Product clicks.